Care Fertility - Liverpool
Care Fertility - Liverpool
Design & Build
Essentially this was a CAT B refurbishment of an
existing ground floor office but into Laboratory and
Surgery where treatments took place.
A clean room ventilation had to be designed to incorporate
the stringent requirements in a very confined space which was logistically difficult to install.
A new roof top mounted ASHP was installed to serve
the ground flooor air handing unit, hot water services,
BMS, sanitary and air conditioning.
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“Fire strategies have become very complex but Tim and his team have been very helpful in pushing this along and getting the design to construction stage.
Larewood have an excellent site manager on site at all times who gets on well with my site managers.
Any issues on site are relayed back to my team and between them resolved swiftly. Health & Safety is very good and they carry out tidy up daily.
Also they put in the hours in, where they are last to leave every day.”
— Rowlinson Construction